19 December 2011

Kindle prices!

I  was just looking at reading the Ladies No.1 Detective agency series on my Kindle but couldn't believe the price.  It costs £4.99 on Kindle or £3.99 for a paperback - with free delivery.

Is it just me, or is this taking the piss?  I know it isn't Amazon's fault, but the publisher's, as they set the price.

Didn't they learn anything from the illegal downloading of music?  People will download illegally if you don't give them an easy and reasonably priced download service.  Music is available through iTunes and Amazon as well as many others and is reasonably priced compared to CDs - and now people use these services to purchase from.

The same thing is happening with movies - although perhaps starting to get better with streaming movie services such as LoveFilm.

Digital books are so much easier to pirate - they are tiny files, much less than 1mb - although I won't download these books illegally myself, you can imagine why people will and do.


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